How to Quit Coffee?

Some individuals are productive when they drink coffee, but after some time, it may be an additional addiction since they could not be effective without it. So they want to quit coffee to realize their ability to be effective without coffee addiction. They perceive it as an extra load on their shoulders. I was one of them until I started doing a coffee detox after a few months. Here is another post regarding methods of quitting coffee that helped me in my journey.

As a result, it is no longer an addiction, and I am pretty sure that I could operate without coffee, so let’s get started, and you can practice as well.

History of coffee: 

Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia, a country in Africa. Some researchers connected Kaldi and dancing goat stories with the origin of coffee. Kaldi saw his goats full of energy after eating red berries. After that, he tried these berries by himself, and he experienced the same kind of energy. Kaldi told his monk friend that the monk wanted to stay awake the whole night, so he completed his prayer. Both Kaldi and his friend monk felt energized. 

Later on, this drink was known by many people. But the coffee beans were first discovered in Ethiopia, then they went to Europe, Asia, and worldwide. The word coffee was formerly known as Qahwa in Yemen. Later on, it became kahweh in Turkish, dutch koffie, and coffee in English.

About 1000 years after Christ, the Arabs became the first to start coffee berries by roasting and grinding and brewing the beans with boiling water. Arabs created the first plantation of coffee in Yemen in the 15th century. Coffee has a long successful, and fascinating journey of development and evolution.

Effects of caffeine on the human body:

Caffeine is a kind of drug that increases your energy level and boosts your brain activities and nervous system. Caffeine is found in many drinks, soft drinks, tea, beverages, and even in deserts which are made up of coffee or tea, etc 

Coffee and caffeine are not suitable for pregnant ladies, children, older adults, and people who have severe sleepless disorders. These people should limit their caffeine intake. A limited amount of caffeine or caffeine makes you feel refreshed and energized, but a large amount of it makes you anxious and causes sleep disorders. 

Like other drugs, if you become addicted to this feeling, you need more and more caffeine to get the same sense. 

What does caffeine do to your body:

Caffeine is a stimulant drug for our body, which stimulates the brain and neurological system. It also stimulates the circulation of hormones in the body, such as cortisol and adrenaline.

Caffeine in little dosages can help you feel rejuvenated and concentrated. Caffeine at high dosages can cause anxiety and problems sleeping. Caffeine, like many other drugs, can create tolerance in your body. This means you need higher and higher dosages to obtain the same effect.

The human body highly absorbs caffeine. Changes after caffeine intake occur in 10 to 30 minutes, like high energy levels boost your nervous system. It increases the level of circulation of chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline.

An excessive amount of caffeine coffee can cause these symptoms

  • Dehydration 
  • Anxiety
  • The rise in body temperature
  • Irritation
  • sleeplessness 
  • Frequent urination 

What’s the best way to quit caffeine?

When you discover you are exceeding your caffeine intake, you will have acquired a craving for more and more caffeine; the first thing you should do is gradually reduce your caffeine intake; a fast reduction in caffeine level will produce restlessness and weariness, muscular soreness, and sweating.

Like many other drugs, you are tolerant to a limited amount of caffeine. It would be best if you did not drop your caffeine level suddenly. Minimize it little by little because it must have drawbacks. It will become difficult for you to quit coffee. 

Don’t mistake dropping it totally; if you follow this pattern, you may start consuming more coffee instead of dropping it. In stat, you may feel tiredness and headache. But eventually, it will take time. You may alternate your coffee consumption with water. It will help you a lot.

On vacations, weekends, or long weekends you should spend some productive time with nature or anything creative. It would help if you did not stick to your computer or work to keep yourself active.

Replace your coffee drinks with water, fresh fruit juices, or anything else you like to avoid drinking coffee. Keep motivated throughout the process, set some boundaries, or write some motivating stuff and think about it like a healthy body, less sugar intake, and having a sound sleep.

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