How to Ditch Caffeine without any of the Best Decaf Coffee?

I know you might be struggling to quit coffee. You would be looking for coffee substitutes that taste like coffee. It’s a pretty hard situation as you are browsing the internet for the best decaf coffee. 

For many people, coffee is their source of energy. You might have started to look for alternatives to coffee for energy. 

Believe me, you do not need anything fancy like water-process decaf coffee beans. 

“You are what you eat.” This is my favorite quote. Therefore, I dived into hundreds of articles and research papers before writing this article. 

It was a surprise to me as some people feel very nauseous and vomit after caffeine. 

After drinking it for years, It’s almost an addiction for me. This made me explore ways to quit it and see how it would positively affect us. 

No more Waiting; time to become better with our EATING and DRINKING habits.

What is Decaf? 

Decaf stands for decaffeinated. Well, it refers to coffee, where the main chemical caffeine is removed. Pretty fancy world! 

Well, it is the best coffee substitute where you get the same taste. 

Yet, it contains 1 to 3% of the original caffeine content. In short, it has some caffeine to still give you a hit.

What are decaffeinated coffee benefits?

It has several benefits as it is the best coffee replacement. It is made by using water and organic solvents to extract caffeine from coffee beans. 

This led to the word “water-process decaf coffee beans.”

You can easily avoid caffeine. Here is how it saves you. 

Caffeine is a kind of drug that increases your energy level and boosts your brain activities.  You might have consumed caffeine in various ways, like drinks or beverages. 

Many researchers believe caffeine is not suitable for pregnant ladies and children. It does not even end here! Other Adults who have severe sleepless disorders should avoid it. 

Do you know what’s the general rule of consuming anything? It’s keeping the balance. 

A limited amount of caffeine or caffeine makes you feel refreshed and energized.  A large amount of it makes you anxious and causes sleep disorders. 

Caffeine in little dosages can help you feel rejuvenated and concentrated. HIGH DOSAGE can cause anxiety and problems sleeping. 

You can create tolerance in your body against caffeine. This means you need higher and higher dosages to obtain the same effect. Like other drugs, if you become addicted to this feeling, you need more and more caffeine to get the same sense. 

The human body highly absorbs caffeine. Changes in the body occur in 10 to 30 minutes high energy levels boost your nervous system. It increases the level of circulation of chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline.

An excessive amount of caffeine in coffee can cause these symptoms.

  • Dehydration 
  • Anxiety
  • The rise in body temperature
  • Irritation
  • sleeplessness
  • Frequent urination

Can I stop drinking coffee without switching to the best Decaf coffee?

Yes, absolutely, you can. 

First of all, Congratulations! You have come to the realization that you need to quit Caffeine. This is a great step.

You will have more cravings for caffeine when you exceed your intake. First, gradually reduce your caffeine intake.  

A sudden reduction will produce restlessness and weariness, muscular soreness, and sweating.

1. Break the Pattern

Like many other drugs, you are tolerant to a limited amount of caffeine. It would be best if you did not drop your caffeine level suddenly. Reduce it little by little because it must have drawbacks. It will become difficult for you to quit coffee. 

Quit Coffee

Believe me, Don’t mistake dropping it totally.  If you follow this pattern, you may start consuming more coffee instead of dropping it. You may feel tiredness and headache. But eventually, it will take time. 

Cut the excess amount of caffeine that keeps you in addiction. 

2. Drink More Water instead of any best decaf coffee

It is critical to drink enough water when you are avoiding caffeine. Dehydration can exacerbate withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and tiredness. It also aids in the removal of caffeine from the body.

You can help yourself by drinking water frequently. 

Pro Tip: Replace your coffee drinks with water and fresh fruit juices. 

3. Change your Routine 

Try to work in natural light: Believe it or not, your body is mainly powered by light. 

When it’s dark, your body needs to take a rest. On the other hand, during light body works actively. It’s all explained in the circadian rhythm. Our brain changes the level of alertness and sleepiness with time in a complete 24-hour clock. 

quit caffeine without the best decaf coffee

Avoid working with too many artificial lights. Let your body consume natural light and be awake with a natural rhythm. 

Natural light signals to you when it’s time to sleep and wake. Furthermore, natural light improves alertness, happiness, and productivity. As a result, you should not need to take coffee to be awake and focused.

Should I use coffee substitutes that taste like coffee? 

Well, it’s an awkward situation where you get used to the coffee taste. 

Hot water is the only healthy coffee substitute. I know you might not be used to it, but it gives me the sense that I’m having a drink. 

You can start with some best decaf coffee initially, but don’t make it a habit. 

Replace caffeinated coffee with decaf coffee in daily practice for 3 to 4 weeks. It takes a proper coffee-quitting timeline and then switches to decaf permanently. 

Later on, leave it, too, as you don’t need a replacement for your previous addiction. 

My opinion: Start finding support groups who want to quit coffee. Start this journey with a promise to someone.  Try to update about your progress daily by texting.

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms and how to tackle them without the best decaf coffee?

In any case of quitting caffeine, you would experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s a kind of BODY DETOX! 

Your body would show some resistance, and it includes various signs. Some most experienced symptoms are: 

  • Laziness
  • Nausea 
  • Fatigue and sleepiness
  • Difficulty in concentration

If you go through a sudden change, keep your mind busy with some positive distractions. Think about your weakest moment and get prepared mentally. You can try any of the best decaf coffee in weak moments, too.

This can be anything that comforts you immediately and keeps your mind off caffeine. It could be a video game, puzzle, talking to friends, or anything you would love to do.

Giving up on caffeine is quite depressing, especially without any of the best decaf coffee. Quitting caffeine has withdrawal symptoms; you may feel cravings for coffee or headaches. It’s better to take some more rest to avoid intake of caffeine in tiredness or laziness.

How do people experience changes in skin quality without the best decaf coffee?

Now, let’s talk about how it affects your skin. 

  • Acne: Everyone doesn’t have clear glass skin, and some are not blessed with flawless skin. And there are many reasons behind it. Some people struggle to control their acne. Some studies say that intake of Caffeine may trigger acne.
  • Dehydration: This fact is well known that excessive amounts of coffee cause dehydration. It may usually cause toxic build-up in your body and your skin. Expert’s advice to avoid such a level of caffeine. 

Do you know? Too much caffeine intake could cause premature aging and wrinkles on your skin. You would look more aged. 

  • Aging of skin: Caffeine slows down the healing process of your wounds. It accelerates the aging of your skin. Exposure to Caffeine reduces newly synthesized collagen in your skin. Make it simple: the more you consume Caffeine, the more your skin starts aging faster.
Skin before and after quitting coffee
  • Disturbed healing hours for skin: At night, these are the healing hours for your skin. Inadequate sleep raises your cortisol level, and it may trigger inflammation. It would break down the proteins that keep your skin silky and smooth. This inflammation makes the skin vulnerable to acne allergy and even more sensitive.
  • Oily Skin condition: Skin quality is the most disturbed area. The dehydration caused by coffee causes premature aging. Your glands produce oil which blocks your pores, and it looks ugly and uncomfortable. If you apply, detox of Caffeine may lead to a brilliant change in your skin quality.

Major improvement in the skin without the best decaf coffee

You may feel a noticeable difference in your skin before and after quitting coffee.

If you quit coffee, it increases the growth of collagen, which makes you look healthy and brings a glow to your face. Also, with the best sleep cycle and complete sleep, it will eventually help your skin heal. All these changes will help your glowing skin.

Consider your diet, dairy products, and your intake of Caffeine if you notice any signal. In case you are drinking a latte and cappuccino, dairy products may also impact your skin. Milk and dairy products block the sebum and glue dead skin cells to your skin, which is wrong.

It is a must for you to experience the condition of your skin before and after quitting coffee. I recommend taking coffee in moderation or quitting in the best-case scenario.

Try not to drink coffee after the first half of the day since you are heading towards the end of the day. If you drink coffee excessively in the second half, it may create restlessness. Any disturbance in sleep cycles directly impacts your skin.

People also ask about quitting caffeine without the best decaf coffee.

Will quitting coffee lower blood pressure? 

Caffeine causes short-term spikes in blood pressure by stimulating the cardiovascular system. If you are facing such high blood pressure with Caffeine consumption, then quit it. It would help you to reduce your blood pressure as you won’t feel these spikes anymore. 

can coffee make you gain weight? 

Well, coffee doesn’t have any calories and does not cause weight gain. Conversely, caffeine temporarily suppresses appetite, so you may experience change. This appetite change can lead to cravings for high-calorie food when energy levels dip

can coffee make you nauseous? 

Yes, coffee is acidic in nature, which can irritate the stomach lining. Especially during an empty stomach, this leads to nausea and acid reflux. If you are sensitive to caffeine, so even a small amount can cause digestive upset. 

can coffee cause bloating? 

Yes, for some people it can cause bloating with stomach irritation. Milk and sweeteners in the coffee could contribute to bloating. For lactose intolerant people would experience it more. Caffeine speeds up the digestive system, which can lead to gas. 

can caffeine cause dizziness? 

Yes, especially when you consume it in high amounts if you are sensitive to it.  Stimulation of the nervous system could result in dizziness. Some people even experience lower bloos sugar levels during an empty stomach. It also increases heart rate, which causes palpitations in some individuals. 

What’s Next? 

Well, You can see you don’t need fancy best decaf coffee drinks to ditch caffeine. It is possible to function properly without any coffee alternative. 

You can consider changing your intake if it’s affecting your everyday function. Just experience the change and take it as a challenge. If you like life without coffee, then there is no harm in continuing it. 

Keep Believing in betterment!


  1. – Caffeine Withdrawal
  2. – Health Benefits of Living Caffeine-Free
  3. – Coffee consumption and health

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